Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week Four Assignment Three

          The QRI-5 provides teachers with a few ways for them to assess their students reading comprehension and word identification. In the grades pre-primer1 through high school different levels of the assessment are present. The teachers in the lower elementary grades will provide their students with passages to read such as three narrative texts and one expository text. There are pictures present in these passages to help students with word identification and comprehension. As we move to the higher level grades such as upper middle school to high school the text that the students are asked to read passages pertaining to the curriculum of other subjects.
          Students are encouraged to demonstrate their understanding by four simple forms of comprehension. In one example, students are asked to retell the story as if they are telling something that has never heard the story before. Another example is when the students are asked two types of questions. The first question is an answer that is derived directly from the text. The second question is an inference that the reader can make from what is going on in the text. Students are also encouraged to do look-backs at the third grade level and higher. This is where students can go back in the text to find the answer they are looking for. The final comprehension assessment is think-aloud. This  is where a teacher places the word STOP at the end of a sentence or passage and asks the child to describe what they are reading about at that particular moment.

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