Friday, April 12, 2013

Week Eleven Assignment Two

            The video narrated by Professor Duke and outlined comprehension taught me a variety of different things. Teaching comes naturally to those who are destined to do so. It is in our nature to understand how to help students and to be enthusiastic about students’ progress. Educators go to school to fine tune these skills and to practically apply it to practice. The video that was provided demonstrated a variety of different strategies I could use to ensure that my students comprehend the material that is introduced to them.
            I am not currently teaching at this point in time. However, every strategy that is outlined in the video would be a prime example of what I would do in my classroom. It is clear to me on how to help students’ comprehension in their reading.. The video was useful because it confirmed what I had already believed and also helped me see that I was on the correct path towards comprehension strategies. I would like to implement many of these strategies in my classroom. One of my favorite things to do is to model what I want the students to be able to do. It is important for my students to be able to look up to someone for an example of how to behave. When I am reading a story to my students I would love to stop and ponder different thoughts as I am reading and include my students on the discussion I am having with myself.
            One of my other favorite things to do is to have group discussions. I enjoy when students can toss their ideas back and forth in an environment that they feel safe to do so. The classroom should be an environment of which students feel safe to try new things and new ideas in front of their peers. Class discussions help students learn from each other and have an opportunity to ask a fellow classmate his or her opinion on the same topic. When I enter a classroom I am eager to try all of these new ideas and to help as many students become good readers as I can. I will ensure that my students have plenty of independent reading time where I can work with small groups or individual students. I want my students to have the love for reading that I had as a student. The students that are able to read frequently will typically be able to exercise the most comprehension.

1 comment:

  1. I went to one of professor Duke's presentation at International Reading Association annual conference and it was excellent. Be sure to read her PPT that I posted on the Announcements section. Modeling plus providing scaffolding and then giving students' the independence to practice repeatedly will ensure students' success in reading for understanding. :)
